Jake Danehy, Founder and CEO of Fair Harbor lived and grew up in Larchmont (West Chester), New York. Jake and his sister, Caroline, spent their summers enjoying Fair Harbor beach in Fire Island and learning to surf. The siblings acquired a love for the beach and a nature desire to protect that resource.
Jake went to Colgate University to study economics but quickly became fascinated with the issues/problems that single use plastic presents in our world today. After doing an extended study to research the negative effects of single use plastic on our oceans and eco system Jake began forming ideas for creating swim wear from recycled plastic.
Fair Harbor Clothing came about in 2014 and with the help of an influential advisory board and a strong mission the company has been very successful with this innovative clothing line.
Jake shares that “a movement is happening. I think there’s a big difference between movement and trends. A trend is if a color is hot one season, but a movement is what brings change to fruition. And that’s what I see happening with this plastic issue.”

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